
Why Travel to Tibet

Tibet, the Roof of the World, remained unknown to the world until the
beginning of the 20th century. The massive, snowy land has exerted an
awesome draw on travelers and adventurers ever since. Its majestic
scenery, mysterious and exotic religious culture, and wonderful people,
reward every tourist with an indelible life long memory!
Tibet shows many different faces: unique style life and lonely
landscapes, Tibetan Buddhism customs and culture, lovely lakes and
rough mountains. For cultural sightseeing, Lhasa is ceaselessly
thriving, and inevitably, it is the one place that features on every
traveler's itinerary. It is not only Tibet's biggest city and capital of the
Tibet Autonomous Region, but also the place where the world’s
attention are attracted to. Mount Everest is great for hiking in summer.
On the way up to Mount Everest we have Rongbuk Monastery, the
highest monastery in the world. If condition permits, tourists can even
see the sunrise at the monastery. Mount Kailash is considered as a
sacred place in four religions—Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Bön
faith. In Hindu religion, it is considered to be the abode of Lord Shiva.

